Below are some comments made over the last few years through bi-annual surveys by people attending Waddington Street on how they find the centre and what they most enjoy...
“People, company, friendship. Creative activities and learning new things. Support...”
“The humour, members and staff. Allowed to be yourself. Friendships…”
“Meeting my friends who have been through the same thing as me, been in hospital with me. Cheering people up, supporting them.”
“Being accepted just as I am without having to pretend everything is ok when it isn’t…”
“Having a laugh and sense of normality back…”
“Meeting people, a reason to get up, something to occupy me, company...”
“The warmth of the people, friendship in and outside the Centre, the classes, running classes, the food, the creative opportunities it has given me. ”
“Sense of self esteem, using art works to enhance social links with family, neighbours and friends.”
“Courses have helped me to connect with people again.”
“Distraction from thoughts, routine, sense of purpose, understanding and developing skills.”
“Waddington Street Centre is a very good place to help ill people. Sometimes it saves people lives – it has for me.”
“I feel like a person now, I’ve been given my life back, thank you. Improved confidence, I can talk to anyone about anything, support priceless.”
“It gives me a reason to get up in the morning. It helps me get out of the house. I have a lovely meal, sitting at a table with other people.”
“Having someone to off load my thoughts, feelings, needs etc. as I live alone, talking and having someone listen and empathises is paramount.”
“When I first came to the centre I wouldn’t speak to people, now I have the confidence to communicate with others.”
“I feel like I don’t belong anywhere I go. I’m a loose cannon and don’t want to go back into hospital but I feel safe here and I fit in. My family can’t bear to be with me! Weekends when the centre is closed there is nothing and I have no one to talk to who understands mental health so I drink to calm me down sometimes until Monday and I Can come back here. (The Centre is now open on Saturdays between 10am and 3pm)”
“I’d just like to thank the staff for being a big help to me so far and thanks to the other clients for making me feel so welcome. Everyone has been really forth-coming in making me welcome and part of the Waddy Family. I’m just very worried and frightened if something happens to my circumstances that God forbid I couldn’t go anymore. I’m not as well as people may think.”
“The benefits of Waddington Street have been far better long term than the treatment I received from the NHS system. I feel it is a very important avenue for many people like me. Long may it stay in operation…”
And here are some comments from students who've completed work placements at Waddington Street on their experiences here...
“I wanted to learn more about how Waddy, a small charity in a small city, contributed to hugely impact every individual touched by this magical centre.”
“I hope to make a lasting difference that other individuals later down the line will be able to benefit from.”
“Before starting at Waddy, I wasn’t sure what to expect. I had learnt a lot about a few mental health illnesses and knew how this could affect the brain but this was very science-y!”
“I have learnt how it can be to be an individual with a mental health illness and I hope to learn more from the service users and grow to become a better doctor.”
“I have learnt more about the stigma surrounding mental health and how this is something we must all actively work to change.”
“I quickly learnt how little I actually knew and understood about mental health.”
“I have learnt about myself, I am passionate about mental health.”
“Hearing about people’s experiences with mental health services and the challenges they have faced in their lives changed me as a future practitioner, having just finished a 4 week mental health placement in third year I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have got half as much out of it without what I learnt at Waddy.”
“Their friendly and open attitude gave me a new appreciation for the importance of community services in keeping people well and I will always tell people I meet about the great work they do. ”
“I wish every medical student could have spent some time at Waddy, as I thought it was a huge benefit to me when we finally did have a mental health rotation, having seen people in recovery and known more about them as people, not just their mental illness.”
“At Waddington, I’ve been able to see the struggles people face associated with mental health as well as the obstacles they’ve managed to overcome. At the same time, I’m constantly amazed by how talented everyone is.”
“Words cannot describe how incredible things are here, and how glad and grateful I am to be immersed in the warm and welcoming atmosphere at Waddington.”